8 July 2009

Insufficient bids in Torquay


A few natural insufficient bids passed off almost without mention of the new law. At least twice, a player had make an insufficient bid of a new suit in a competitive auction, I found myself saying

If you bid three hearts (or any other call that shows hearts) then partner can bid again, otherwise ...


There was a more complicated example:

1NT (12-14)2C (nat)2S *3C

Nobody had asked about 2S, so I did: "balanced invitational or slam try". So if South had passed 2NT shows a minimum 1NT, I asked: "Yes". I ruled that 2NT was not artificial and that Pass would show the same as 2NT, so West could bid 3NT or Pass without silencing partner.


I made the mistake (!) of hanging around for the rest of the auction.

1NT (12-14)2C (nat)2S *3C

So I intervened and reminded EW of their obligations, both thought that the explanation of 2S was (still) correct. Their card showed "Modified Lebensohl" (but this meant system on, with stolen bid doubles). East said he had made a mistake, and North asked if West was allowed to know that East had made a mistake. I answered "No" and asked NS to call me back; but the hand records showed 3S was three off, and I was not called back.

No surprises that East had a weak hand with five spades, it was more of a surprise that North had four clubs and five diamonds.

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