There is still some strange wording in Law 12 covering what was previously described as the distinction between "consequent" and "subsequent" damage; "subsequent" damage could have been due to wild or gambling action by the non-offending side, by their serious error, or just "failure to play bridge". However, I think the effects are clear: for the offending side (OS) we adust if they obtain a table result better than they would have without the infraction; but the non-offending side (NOS) do not get an adjustment for damage which is self-inflicted, defined as due to a serious error or wild or gambling action (WoGA).
In practice there are four cases: all damage is self-inflicted, some is self-inflicted, no self-inflicted damage, or no damage at all. There are scores we have to consider
- the score for the Actual table result (including any serious error or WoGA)
- the score for the result Before infraction (assigned by Law 12C1c or Law 12C1e)
- (≥ A) the score for the result that Could have been scored, with the infraction but without serious error (could be weighted?)
The overall damage can be divided as
- Real damage: DR = B − C
- Self-inflicted damage: DS = C − A
Starting from C ≥ A there are four cases
- C ≥ A > B: no advantage, no damage, no adjustment;
- C ≥ B ≥ A: all damage self-inflicted, no real damage DR ≤ 0 (virtual damage), NOS get A, OS get B;
- B > C = A: no self-inflicted damage, DS = 0, NOS get B, OS get B;
- B > C > A: real damage and some self-inflicted.
In the final case, the OS get B and the NOS get A + B − C. The adjustment for the non-offending side can be seen as either
- actual score + real damage: A + DR = A + (B − C); or
- adjusted score − self-inflicted damage: B − DS = B − (C − A) = A + B − C.
NS bid to 4H and EW "use UI" to compete to 4S, which is doubled. In defending 4SX, NS might revoke (a serious error) and lose a trick they would otherwise score. The result in the other room is 4H=, NS +420. This is the normal result in 4H, so B (the result before the infraction) is 0 IMP. The type of adjustment depends on the table result.
4SX-1 NS +100. Revoke
A = IMP(100-420) = −8 IMP. Without the revoke: 4SX-2 NS +300. C = IMP(300-420) = −3 IMP.
Real damage DR = 3 IMP, self-inflicted damage DS = 5 IMP.
Offending side (team of EW) get 0 IMP, non-offending side (team of NS) get 0 + (−8) − (−3) = −5 IMP.
4SX-2 NS +300. Revoke
A = −3 IMP. Without the revoke: 4SX-3 NS +500. C = IMP(500-420) = +2 IMP. No real damage (DR < 0).
Offending side get 0 IMP, non-offending side get −3 IMP (table result).
4SX-2 NS +300. No revoke
A = C = −3 IMP. No self-inflicted damage (DS = 0). Both sides get 0 IMP.
4SX-3 NS +500.
A = +2 IMP. No damage. Table result for both sides.
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